22. Do I or my boat need a Fishing License for Sport Fishing?
Only individual fishermen need fishing licenses. You no longer need a license for your boat or dinghy.. If you’re caught fishing, but without a license, you’ll be liable for fines. It’s very unlikely that this would happen, but don’t run the risk.
They can also be purchased Online www.sportfishingbcs.gob.mx
This page is in Spanish and English and is fairly simple. It is a Baja California Sur State page but the fishing licenses that are issued are federal and good for all Mexican waters.
While you’re in San Diego, licenses — which can be acquired for a day, week, month or a year, — can be easily obtained from: Mexican Dept. of Fisheries, 2550 Fifth Ave., Ste. 15 (corner of 4th and Laurel), San Diego, CA 92103; (619) 233-4324. The best deal is the year long permit. (The CONAPESCA Representative Office in San Diego is being reorganized as part of changes and improvements of the Mexican Federal Government. We are working to implement new procedures to issue Mexican sport fishing licenses online and at this time are no longer issuing licenses when requested in person or by mail. Please consult our web site www.sportfishinginmexico.com for updates to this information).